Case Report: Domestic violence against a patient with Down Syndrome
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Down Syndrome; violence against women; dentists.

How to Cite

Case Report: Domestic violence against a patient with Down Syndrome. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 19(30), 106-113.


Violence against women with disabilities usually causes injuries that dentists can easily see. Approximately 65% of abuse injuries involve the head, neck or mouth areas. Additionally, women with disabilities experience violence at an annual rate 1.7 times higher than among those without disabilities. This work, which is descriptive, focuses on a clinical case and adopts a qualitative approach, and aims to analyze the subjective questions related to the feelings experienced by a female patient with Down syndrome that was the victim of violence within her family. Its objective is to help dental surgeons provide the criminal justice system with the necessary evidence so that the rights of women with disabilities are protected. These professionals have the legal and moral obligation to recognize and report suspected cases of violence.

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