Fibroma Odontogénico Periférico:: a propósito de 2 casos clínicos
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Peripheral odontogenic fibroma, differential diagnosis.

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Fibroma Odontogénico Periférico:: a propósito de 2 casos clínicos. (2009). Odontoestomatología, 11(12), 28-33.


Two case reports of  peripheral odontogenic fibroma (POF),  a rare clinical lesion,  are presented. They were diagnosed, treated and followed at the Departments of  Pathology, Semiology and Stomatology Clinic and Pathologic Anatomy Laboratory of Dental Public School, University of Uruguay (UDELAR). Few cases are reported in the literature; the possible differential diagnosis with other clinical entities make it interesting to publish.  Both occured in 6 and 57-year-old females respectively.

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