Intedental brushes, from theory to practice. Literature revision and clinical indications.
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interproximal brush, interdental brush, interdental device, interdental hygiene, periodontal diseases, dental caries.

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Intedental brushes, from theory to practice. Literature revision and clinical indications. (2019). Odontoestomatología, 21(33).


 Interproximal brushes are an interdental hygiene tool with diverse indications that exhibit multiple benefits. Among others, they are indicated in patients with periodontal disease, with papillae that don’t fill the interdental space, patients with orthodontic appliances, fixed prosthesis or implant-supported prosthesis. The aim of the present article is to give orientation about their clinical use based on the available evidence. The results support their use in combination with dental floss for prevention and treatment of the most prevalent oral diseases, with a significant effect on biofilm control and gingival inflammation.  


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