Perception of the educational environment after the curricular change in the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta in Chile
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dental education
social environment
dental students

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Perception of the educational environment after the curricular change in the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta in Chile. (2023). Odontoestomatología, 25(41), 1-14.


Introduction: In 2019, a change was implemented in the curriculum of the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta in Chile. The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of the educational environment in first-year students who studied the new curriculum of the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta, in 2019.
Methods: Quantitative, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, implemented at the end of the first year of implementation of the new curriculum of the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta in 2019. The validated DREEM questionnaire was applied in Spanish, to determine the perception of the educational environment of these students. For statistical analysis, STATA 14.0 ® was used.
Results: 53 students completed the questionnaire (79.1%). The average score of the complete DREEM questionnaire was 129.56 (SD 18.94), which indicates a more positive than negative educational environment. No statistically significant differences were found by sex, both in the complete entonquestionnaire and in its subscales. Five questions were found with scores that indicate areas perceived as problematic by students, which are related to the role of the teacher (teaching with too much emphasis on details and perception of teachers as authoritarian) and stress management in students (perception that the stress of studying is greater than their enjoyment, that they are too tired to enjoy their studies and do not
know or believe that there are no support systems at the university for students who suffer from stress).
Conclusion: The educational environment of the first year with the new curriculum of the dentistry career at the University of Antofagasta is perceived, for the most part, as more positive than negative. Specific areas for improvement in this curricular transition were identified, which are related to the role of the teacher and the management of stress in students.

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